


As a globally active organisation, Connexus International works from Germany for the empowerment of marginalised people, in particular. Connexus International recognises the link between the past and the future and the resulting responsibility, the interconnectedness of all humanity, the relationship between nature and humanity, and between rational thinking and the transmission of knowledge, and it works to advance the communication and exchange that is needed in order to jointly tackle the challenges of the present and the future.

In its activities and operations, Connexus International does not discriminate on the basis of colour, ‘race’, religion, gender, age, national or social origin, disability, marital status, or sexual orientation. We are committed to creating an inclusive and welcoming environment for all employees, volunteers, and service providers, and demand the same standards from partner organisations.

1. The purpose of the Company is to advance:

  • a. Acience and research,
  • b. Art and culture,
  • c. Upbringing, adult education, and vocational training,
  • d. Relief for people persecuted on political, racial, or religious grounds, for refugees, expellees, war victims, as well as relief for people who are discriminated against on the basis of their gender identity or sexual orientation,
  • e. The promotion of internationalism, of tolerance in all fields of culture, and of the concept of international understanding,
  • f. And the general advancement of democratic government in the territory of application of the Fiscal Code of Germany (Abgabenordnung, AO).

2. The Company is internationally active in Germany and abroad, and it exclusively and directly pursues public-benefit purposes within the meaning set out in the “Tax-privileged purposes” section of the Fiscal Code of Germany.

3. The purpose of the Company is achieved, in particular, by means of:

  • a. Conducting research projects and academic events,
  • b. Awarding research contracts to aides as defined in Section 57 (1) second sentence AO,
  • c. Preparing and disseminating academic publications on fundamental issues of economics, the state, education, democracy, international understanding, art and culture,
  • d. Cultivation of German cultural heritage, and
  • e. Maintaining and promoting continuing education institutions and programmes, directly or with the assistance of third parties, both in Germany and abroad, with the results attained under a. to d. being made available to the public soon after they have been achieved.

4. The purpose of the Company also encompasses the conduct of research projects on the separate achievements in science and culture in the two German states from 1949 to 1990, insofar as these are expected to have international significance for the future shaping of democratic societies.

5. The purpose of the Company is served by the results produced by the Company being disseminated globally, also in order to promote the reputation of the German nation in the world as a peaceful and culturally developed nation.

6. The Company is entitled, within the framework of statutory regulations and the provisions of these articles of association, to undertake all transactions and legal acts which are useful for achieving the purpose of the Company or which appear to be suitable for promoting its business, in particular to participate directly and indirectly in other companies which also exclusively and directly pursue public­ benefit purposes.